Matilda Mwaba Equity in Sport Award

Matilda Mwaba (1958 – 2021). MHSRIEP.

NOWSPAR has partnered with MISA Zambia to deliver an award at the MISA Annual Media Awards for 2021 that recognises contribution to equity within sports in Zambia.

The Matilda Mwaba Equity in Sport Award is presented in honour of Ms Matilda Mwaba co-founder of NOWSPAR and advocate for equity in sport.

This award will recognize the media practitioner who has undertaken work that:

  • reveals inequalities in sport,
  • showcases marginalized groups and individuals,
  • provides critical analyses, and
  • motivates change.
  • Topics that the winner has covered will include among others:

  • under-representation in leadership,
  • safeguarding and protection of children from non-accidental harm,
  • harassment and abuse, (un)fair pay, corruption,
  • disabilities, athletes’ rights, coaching,
  • policy, legislation and sport for social change.
  • Matilda Mwaba receiving the Presidential Insignia for Meritorious Achievement for her contribution to sport.

    This award is part of:

    a. NOWSPAR’s broad work on media and sport including media surveys to track coverage, education of media practitioners on issues in sport and linkage to the sports sector to facilitate change

    b. NOWSPAR’s Legacy Projects in honour of Ms Matilda Mwaba including a Sports Education Fund and Research Engagement

    For more information or to submit entries – visit.

    Office Tel: +260 211 294285/6


    Physical address
    Plot 3814,
    Martin Mwamba Road,
    Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia